Our company pays the utmost attention to the privacy of users of this site and the protection of personal information.
As a general rule, we will not disclose personal information collected by our company to a third party without prior consent, except for the following exceptions.
- 1.When disclosure is requested by a public institution such as a public office or an organization or group having the authority equivalent thereto based on the authority stipulated by law.
- 2.When we determine that it is necessary to protect our rights or the rights, interests, honors, credits, etc. of others.
- 3.When necessary in order to assist our collaborators who have signed a confidentiality agreement with us in our activities.
- 4.To disclose statistical information of users of this site to supporting companies, cooperating organizations, and other third parties in order to carry out our activities.
We take great care in the security of such personal information, but we will not take any responsibility in situations that are not our intention, such as unauthorized access from third parties.